Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Skin care at its best

In my hunt for a brand that would remove my make up equally as well as it smothered it on I came across Clinique's 
"Take the day off Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips" 
followed by their
"Liquid Facial Soap"
the oily skin formula.
My skin is often greasy and despite the take the day off remover being oil based it doesn't leave my skin feeling bogged down and ugly as it's unique two way formula loosens the grip, then speedens the removal of make up. And the liquid facial wash comes in three skin type combinations, so those for sensitive and mild skin types, theres one for you too. My mum swears by Clinique and I have to say I am with her on that one, a brand usually overlooked by younger customers as its packaging is less glamerous than brands such as Benefit, Clarins and Lancome. But honestly its care for skin rather than glamour is what makes it brilliant.

I've been using the face wash and make-up remover everyday for around 5 weeks now, and honestly at first I couldn't tell the difference. But after a weekend break at my Gandmothers, forgetting the face wash and remover and having a breakout of spots. Well you now see why I rate them so highly. My skin can be at times disasterous, it goes from constantly feeling greasy to moments of nasty dryness. And I feel like I can
never win, especially with the make-up I can be using. Caring for your skin is vital, especially during the last few months Londons had of horrid, bitter weather. The facial wash and remover left my face feeling simply clean, fresh and comfortable.

The next clinique product I therefore rave about is their
  "moisture surge extended thirst relief gel-creme"
Which I cake on my face usually after the wash and remover to preserve the feeling of cleanness. It's beautifully fragrance free meaning no evil chemicals are being exposed to your skin and is wonderfully hydrating. Under make-up, over make-up, before bed, when you wake up, there is never a wrong time for moisture surge to be used. And it's gel like texture soaks right up leaving behind a soft complexion no greasy remnants. I love this creme. (Could only find my freebie tube to photo, the creme comes in a simple twist pot otherwise)

Top of my list for skin survival. Give it a go. And if you have any other skin care products you think may beat these three please let me know!

Love a clean faced Becky x


  1. I LOVE Clinique as well and my mom inspired me to use it. I have combination dry/oily skin and I used to use that facial soap in the green bottle as well before going to the acne products! I use the acne moisturizer, their Perfectly Real Foundation, Almost powder makeup, and advanced concealer. Normally I will get the gift with purchase, and I love the goodies that come in those! The small moisture surge like yours came in the last gift, so I'll have to try it out!! :) I second this post though, gotta love Clinique!

    1. Isn't it such a mum like brand, it's truely brilliant though! Do try out the moisture surge creme! X Becky

  2. The makeup remover is the only one I have used for years, it truly is brilliant. I just fell in love with the moisture surge too after I got a sample with the last bonus time they did x

    1. I can say the same, so much better than any wipes you can buy which almost feel like they rub the make up into your skin rather than take any off? And I love the moisture surge their sample was the only reason I bought the big tub, so worth it x

  3. I use the same make up remover!! So far it has worked better than every other one I've tried. Most make my eyes water for some reason...

    How do you like the other products? Right now I'm using Aveeno, but my facialist tells me I need to switch it up every so often for my skin.

    1. The make up remover is so simple and once you're done it really feels like your face is spotless!
      Other clinique products? I love them I use daily their stay-matte sheer pressed power which is brilliant over their Superbalanced makeup liquid foundation! But I also have a friend that uses the Moisture surge tinted moisturiser which they say is brilliant. X

  4. I am considering buying Take the day off. I am a big fan of Clinique as well!
