Pandora Lennard, the stylist for the entire Vodafone London
Fashion Weekend trend catwalk, contributing editor for Tank magazine and an
aspiring editorial goddess. As she walked on to the stage she had a certain aura
about her, a young enthusiastic persona and a mind full of inspiration and
Pandora Lennard |
Lennard was asked about her lead up to success and we were
shocked to discover that she had in fact begun her career path with a degree in
Psychology, however she admits that she had always been interested in fashion
and styling and whilst undertaking her degree was partaking in as many work
placements with various stylists and photographers.
She announced her idols in fashion management and the
industry as a whole were Katie Grand and Claire Richardson. This is interesting,
revealing a dream of managing her own magazine perhaps?
She then went on to explain the choices made in creating the
looks for the trend catwalk show. The show included the most important four
trends for this Autumn/Winter 2013- Pretty
in Pink, Back to Nature, Shape Up and Victoriana.
The most exciting of the four has to be PINK! Similar to myself, Pandora
Lennard admits that she is a fan of the simple and safe black and monotone
clothing. However, there is a certain intrigue that has crept up on the world
of fashion- Can we make pink look as good as we made it look when we were
eight? Or should it be left singing sweetly around those years?
Pandora Lennard is an interesting new fashion character to
keep an eye on and her sense of style, judging by what emerged from those white
doorways on the catwalk, is impeccable.
Emily xxx